Airbus/future of aircraft factory HRP-2 as universal worker proof of concept


In this paper, we present a preliminary proof of concept (PoC) aiming at introducing humanoid robots in an aircraft factory. The PoC was aiming at demonstrating the capacity of HRP-2 to deal with three aspects needed in a factory: reactivity to change in the environment, visual feedback and on-line motion generation. The limits reached in this PoC are here highlighted to draw some direction of research focused on the needs of Aircraft manufacturers. Humanoid robot technology has reached a high level of maturity and now has been implemented on several high quality robots such as Asimo, Atlas, TORO or HRP-2. They have been long envisionned as universal worker which can be used in factory, this video present a PoC in this context.

In International Conference on Humanoid Robotics, IEEE.